Attachment to Yoga

in Apr 16, 2024

I started practising my asanas again last week after a break of about two months! My neck was operated on, the surgeon did a miraculous job and put two cages in the my neck, did some graphting and plating and gave me a couple of small pieces of my bones to take home as a souvenier.

First day back on my mat was scary to say the least. I could move about and am ok doing all chores etc during the day, but when stepping into a downward dog i realised just how weak my muscles really felt, especially in my left arm, when i actaully stumbled and fell down.

Well, my strong will took over immediately and its been a week now and a downward dog is becoming easier. Getting into certain postures actually give you the realisation of the amount of strength you have and what needs working on.I guess i will never be the same again or be able to perform certain postures ever again but the sheer will ness to do it and do it well remains and leaves me thinking.

While sitting having a quiet moment after today’s practice i decided that yoga to me will be a sincere practice which i treasure and enjoy and not some kind of attachment to a posture and winning it. Strange how one meditative moment can change your whole perception of a thing and in true reality make you more aware of where you are within yourself. Are you really practising or is it a series of exercise postures that you are trying to master.

Looking forward to tomorrows session with a new and fresh approach.

Aanika –