Yogamasti Retreat Dates

Latest Retreat Dates

More dates will be added as they become available so watch out for this space!

Latest Retreat Dates

More dates will be added as they become available so watch out for this space!

30th December – 5th January 2024 – New Year Restore and Reset Retreat with Helen & Sarah


18th April – 28th April 2024 – Teacher Training Retreat with Rebecca & Ariana from Coventry and London


30th April – 5th May 2024 – with Shona from Spain


23rd – 29th September Retreat - only 3 spaces left

With Maureen

The Retreat will involve

Early morning walking meditation

Morning 2- hour yoga sessions – Sunpower Flow (Energising)
Early evening – Restorative yoga & Yoga lifestyle (Relaxing)

Mantras, Chanting & Pranayama

Learn the basics of Ayurveda to improve health, wellbeing and overall happiness

Sunrise yoga trip out 

Local market & Beaches

1 day excursion, day out to local beaches,markets,caves (Thats the only evening we will all eat out at a local restaurant, everyone pays for themselves )

Mindful walks connecting nature

Walk to 800 yr old Olive tree Optional

Delicious food all day included 

Prices from £950


1st October – 7th October 2024 – with Charlotte from London

 Details coming soon, bookings open Now x

9th October – 15th October 2024 – Luxury free Spirit Retreat with Meltem 

only 6 spaces left

The retreat will involve

2 yoga practices yin and yang (morning yang&evening yin/restorative) everyday

Morning and evening Breathwork sessions

Guided Meditations indoor and outdoor

Kirtan (Mantra chanting)

Sound Therapy

Yoga Nidra before bed

Cacao Ceremony

Mindful walks and connecting nature

Balancing Chakras Workshop

Reiki (one to one sessions requires booking)

Free time for rest and restore
You can also enjoy

A meditative walk to an 800 year old olive tree
Walks in the mountain

Visits to the stunning beaches for meditation and Yoga
Farmers markets and nearby local restaurants Village of Jesus Pobre right next door

Delicious Vegan/Vegetarian Food - All      included

Transfers arranged, not included .

Prices start at 900 on shared Basis 

23rd October - 29th October 2024 - With Sandra Barnes

Autumn Glow Retreat

only 7 spaces left

The retreat will involve
2 yoga practices  (morning yang&evening yin/restorative) everyday

Yoga Nidra with beautiful instruments before bed

Cacao Ceremony

Mindful walks and connecting nature

Therapies (to be booked)

Indian head massages with sandra (to be booked)

Free time for rest and restore

Sunrise yoga trip out

A whole days excursion out to local beaches old towns, wicker market,a lot more  (only night you eat out at a local restauarant together that you pay for.) 

Kayaking (optional)

You can also enjoy A meditative walk to an 800 year old olive tree Walks in the mountains(Optional)

Visits to the stunning beaches for meditation and Yoga
Farmers markets 
Village of Jesus Pobre right next door
Delicious Vegan/Vegetarian Food -All included

Prices start at 900 shared basis 

Teacher Training  18th – 28th April 2025

With Rebecca & Ariana


Developing the strength to support your flexibility

Functional mobility for modern day life

Creative Sequencing

The art of adjustments

The art of teaching

How yoga philosophy can be applied to modern day life

Yoga as a business

Delicious home cooked meals

Local excursions

Airport Transfers

Spring Retreat 9th till 14th may 2025

With Shona


Local excursions

Delicious home cooked, 3 course meals

Airport Transfers

Sunrise yoga trip Kayaking (Optional)

Are You A Teacher?

How about planning your own retreat with your students in the luxury of our private villas? Ever thought of it? We will provide a vegetarian/ vegan chef, beautiful accomodation with private pools, yoga shala, half day excursions and transfers, all included within the price. And whats more, You as a teacher go FREE! What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and simply call us on 07723423719 or write to us at and let us customise your own personal retreat in sunny spain! Pick your slot from available dates and create that personal teaching space you have always wanted with your students!

Remember: YOU the teacher go free! All you pay for are your flights.
