What Our Customers Say

“Yogamasti’s range of yoga clothes is beautifully crafted, comfortable, soft and fashionable. They have paid attention to every detail (fit, length, softness of fabric, support, colour, texture and design). That is why they are featured on my website, among other very carefully selected companies who design from the heart.”

“It is also why I have chosen to wear their outfits in a number of articles for yoga publications and on the cover of Yoga & Health magazine. Yogamasti clothes are reasonably priced and make you feel special and relaxed. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.”

Mia Forbes Pirie

“I came across Aanika’s lovely clothes last year when reading her story in the Yoga Magazine and was immediately fascinated as much by them as I was by her life story. When I read in the article that she was going to sell them at the Yoga Show for the first time, I could not wait for it to happen. Then, finally came the Yoga Show… and the Clothes, Mat bags, Jewellery etc. were as amazing and natural as they had been on the pictures I had seen.”

“The colours, designs, materials etc. are just beautiful. I particularly love the Energy Tunic and the Vedic Dhoti. It feels as if they are charged with all the love and positive energy they have clearly been designed and made with, and which is released when practising with them.”

“I simply love the stuff and hope to see much more of Aanika’s work – design-wise but also Yoga-Dance-and Ayurveda wise.”

Kerstin Ludwig

“I read about Aanika in Yoga Magazine. I felt immediately a really good connection with her words and with her as a whole. So humble and yet powerful in words and action.”

“I entered her yogamasti shop online just to check but it became a longer visit than expected. The attention to details, the colours and designs are just magnificent. I decided to purchase a lovely Toran hand made mat bag. It was beautiful in the pictures but it´s even more so “live”. It is simply SO beautiful, practical and well made. I´m using it already. It feels like wearing a piece of art.”

Ana M. Macías

“Thank you so much for caring about sending me the right length pants! Great customer service.They fit perfectly.I have fallen in love with the quality of your garments.The fabric’s softness is a delight. And sweat doesn’t show at all!!! (a BIG plus when one practices ashtanga in a tropical country).The design and colors are also stunning. I’ll keep buying from your line.

Paola Benedetti

Hey the clothes have just turned up, I’ll have to wait till I get home to try them but I’m sure they will be fine, I already have your Yoga pants with Chakra design down the leg and I’m the envy of our yoga class.
Thanks very much

Ellie Bond

I have spent hours scouring websites for good quality, yet attractive, clothing for yoga. I want something that looks and feels good but also works in whatever pose I am trying to achieve. I want to FEEL like a yogi! Yogamasti’s collection is by far the best I have found – beautiful pieces which fit perfectly. Added to that, Aanika’s commitment to customer service is exceptional, and she quickly and graciously resolved a recent issue I had with the delivery of some goods. I love the designs and I seriously don’t need to go anywhere else for my yoga outfits.

Josie Campbell

Thank you again. I hope to shop at Yogamasti again soon. I love to teach in your clothes as they are very comfortable and look amazing.

Michelle Oliver

Last year I was really craving for a proper mat bag for my Manduka Eko Mat as all the bags I found since then were waaaaaay too small for it.
Aanika kindly helped me at Rome yoga festival and after a quick browse she handed me the “Gujarat Patti Yoga Mat Bag” which not only fits perfectly my beloved mat but has a few very handy pockets here and there. Stunning color is definitely a plus!
I’m overall very satisfied with the mag bag and Yogamasti.

Valerio Tufarelli
Yoga student/pratictioner/addict 🙂