3 Reasons You Should Try Outdoor Yoga

in Apr 12, 2024

The summer sun is leading us back to our outdoor yoga practice! You’ll have seen our pics up on social media – we love getting out into nature! It’s our true home as a species, after all. Are you thinking of getting out there but aren’t sure? Have you never really considered an outdoor yoga trip before? Do you need a little more convincing?

Well here our our top reasons you should be trying some Asanas out and about!

1.  It’s twice as energising! 

Flowing from posture to posture with the wind on your skin and the sound of birds in the background? Perfection! There’s nothing more invigorating that fresh air and a fresh attitude. Yoga on a flat patch in woodland, or a windy stretch of beach can make you feel a sense of unity between nature and your body that is indescribable. You’ll come away from practice with such a raw, positive energy you’ll want to take the whole world on!

2. It get’s you out of your comfort zone

If your yoga practice, weight loss or fitness goals have hit a snag or plateaued, picking up a mat and getting out there is just what you need. Shake things up! Challenge yourself to practice somewhere public like a park or woodland, where you might have others passing by. As a self-confidence exercise it really works! Take a friend with you if you’re scared, but don’t pass up the chance to try a challenge & build yourself up. Getting yourself out there into ‘real life’ to practice will inspire you to refresh your outlook and get grounded, as well as shaking off some of that self consciousness.

3. You’ll gain totally new perspective on your yoga poses & improve pose problem-solving

Uneven footing, unusual obstacles and weather changes are your friends in outdoor yoga! Don’t look at a difficult landscape as an immediate no-no for yoga. Challenge yourself to use what’s around you and adapt. By doing this you’ll gain a unique perspective of your body and the ins-and-outs of poses. When you get back to your regular class or home practice, you’ll find that outdoor yoga has taught you a lot about Asanas that regular repetitions could not.

So get out there! And tell us all about it! (We love outdoor yoga ideas!) For some extra tips for choosing a spot and how to stay safe and comfortable, check out our guide here.