1: It tones you all over, not just spot-toning abs or legs.
2: It’s not repetitive.
The best workout for toning your body is one you won’t get bored of! You’re more likely to stick with a workout that isn’t boring – a yoga sequence is more varied, adaptable and interesting than crunches or lunges.
3: Less soreness!
Because you’re working your whole body, you’re less likely to have ‘gain pains’ where your muscles are hurting from overdoing a workout. With yoga, the strain is spread out over your whole body.
4: It tones-up your mind as well as your body
It makes work-out motivation and clear-headedness easier to grasp. Motivation is the most important tool in your repertoire!
5: The habit sticks
If you make yoga part of your lifestyle, not only will you have a healthy mind and body, you’ll be toning all over as a regular routine!