Announcement: Yogamasti Retreat Villa Acquired!!

in Apr 12, 2024

It’s such an exciting time here!! We’ve just closed on the location of our Yogamasti retreat! Some of you will have heard of our plans to start a yoga retreat – but it’s finally coming together now! What was a dream of ours is finally coming true!

So where is the Yogamasti retreat going to be?

One of the healthiest places in the world – the Spanish Costa Blanca! With average yearly temperatures of 18-28 Celsius it’s perfect outdoor yoga weather for the majority of the year. That means Yoga practice on the veranda, the beach, shady spots under the almond blossoms… anywhere beautiful you can pick.

What’s the Villa like?

Gorgeous, especially when it’s in bloom!

So many beautiful shady spots – and stunning views all around! We’d like to thank whoever designed this garden!

We can’t wait to get out there and start preparing the Yogamasti retreat! Stay tuned to our Facebook and social media for updates PLUS a survey for you guys so we can discover exactly what you’d like from a Yogamasti getaway! Make sure to fill it out so you can have your say. Customer feedback is really important to our planning process, both for future clothing lines and other projects.

We’d also like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you guys for your support! Without you and your support and loyalty over the years, this wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you to all of you for making this dream become a reality!