Crazy Yoga Trends

in Apr 16, 2024

So the sun is out, birds are singing and we’re feeling a bit joyful and silly here at Yogamasti. Around here the kind of Yoga trends we’re used to are pretty patterns and fold over waistbands – but we do have a soft spot for the weird and wacky side of the yoga world! So here are a couple of our personal faves!

Doga : Dog Yoga

Yes, you read right! While the picture above may be a little misleading (we’re pretty sure dogs can’t quite be trained to perform the asana… yet!) the latest thing is to try some yoga with your pooch! Pop your poodle on your noodle and start lifting! Well, that might not be exactly how it’s done, but one can dream! Doga actually entails holding your dog while posing on your yoga mat – tricky!

Beer Yoga

What a combo! A match made in crazy yoga trend heaven? Yoga practice with friends? Awesome! Beer with friends? Awesome! This wacky German import of pairing beer to asanas seems like a dream come true… if you ignore the practical aspect of mixing balancing and alcohol, that is..
Relax, have a cold one – but we wouldn’t recommend bending into downward dog. 

Go on, give some crazy yoga trends a try … if you think you’re brave enough!