How To Take Your Yoga On Vacation

in Apr 16, 2024

Hello fellow yogi readers,

Today I’d like to talk about how it is possible to take your yoga practices elsewhere, and immensely benefit from this!

So you’re thinking about going to Italy for a couple weeks…You’re by the lake Como or Garda, and the sun is setting. You feel the inner peace rejoice you, and all you want to do is practice a few poses, but you don’t have your equipment with you. Bummer! Even if you’re travelling for business, here are some tricks on how to take your yoga practice with you. It only takes a little planning, and bringing the items that you need:

  • Go Local: Whenever I plan a trip abroad, I love to find out if there are any yoga scenes that I could visit. The best way to make sure you don’t get bored of yoga is to constantly revitalise and reinvigorate your practice by experiencing the different ways of teaching yoga in different countries. You’d be surprised at just how different things can be, for the better or sometimes unfortunately for the worse, but at least you get to choose!
  • What Needs Packing:  1. Yoga clothes that will keep you dry, this is important if you don’t want to be sweating through your clothing and looking like you just took a shower whilst still dressed!; 2. A Yoga Mat & its bag, the mat needs to be skidless and the bag has to be able to handle your other yoga accessories and bottle of water; 3. A Yoga Belt4. A Silk Eye Pillow for those long journeys on the plane or car; 5. Some music maybe? Whether you have any audio downloads, CD’s, or your favourite yoga DVD – make sure you can bring something to inspire you to practice, and you’re good to go!

Hope this helps, let us know in the comment section below or follow us on facebook at

In the mean time, enjoy your holidays!

Yogi Hugs from Yogamasti