So What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

in Apr 16, 2024

New Year Resolution…..what does it mean to you??

As a human being, one strives to improve whenever they can and thats where the New Year Resolution fit in….As the new year has dawned on us, we all hope that it would bring in new challenges, new opportunities and new experiences that would add to our personality and who we are!

So what your new year resolution?? Any interesting ideas? Or are you one of those who thinks that resolutions are meant to be broken and whatever you plan to do or incorporate in your life you are never able to stick or abide by it…
So what do we do?? How to we make sure that we stick to our resolutions and bring about that little or major change in our lives. Here are a few tips of the mind that have worked for me and will help you as well if you plan to make a new years resolutions…

Do you want to know what they are?? Then keep reading on….

First things first, try not to get too optimistic. It good to thing to think that you can change every bad habit of yours but taking baby steps is more realistic So its best to have one resolution, one thing you want to change/incorporate in your life and channel all your energies into towards that..

Be authentic, think of something you really want to change about your life and not what others are doing. Make your own resolution and don’t copy others….because until and unless you really want it you won’t be able to achieve it…

Another thing that I have realised, try not to go back to your past plans and resolutions……if something you decided and it did not happen, its ok to let go. Deciding to revisit a past resolution sets you up for frustration and disappointment

If you have a goal, you need to have ways of measuring your progress as well, just the way you do for your work. Without measurements you would never be able to know where you stand. Its advisable to break your goal into a series of steps, focusing on creating sub-goals that are concrete, measurable and time-based…

Whatever we do in life, we are able to achieve it better if we have the support of our friends and family. So share your resolution with your loved ones, they will ensure that you don’t fail and give that extra push when required!! Its good to have a strict task master on your head at times…what say??

Reward…always works no matter how old you are. So whenever you achieve that milestone, don’t forget to reward yourself.

Lastly, remember what was the purpose behind that resolution, and the benefits associated with achieving what you have in mind…

So go ahead….bring about that change, and once you are on the right path there is nothing stopping you..