We Want Your Inspiring Lockdown Yoga and Meditation Stories!

in Apr 12, 2024

Our Lockdown Yoga Positivity Posts Project!

We want to hear from you! Times are tough and we are all looking for some inspiration to beat the gloom. Yoga in lockdown isn’t so simple an issue and quarantine has affected all our practice in different ways. So we decided to put together some inspirational posts about how Yoga and Meditation are helping people during lockdown. We want to see things from your perspective. The goal of these posts is to uplift and inspire, so we can share your positivity around the community. This is a chance for us to use our stories to elevate people who are struggling.

What We’re Looking For

Your submission can be anything from a few words to a few paragraphs with pictures! What we’re looking for here isn’t an academic essay, just your thoughts and feelings. Here are some questions to ask yourself to get started:

  • How has Yoga helped you in quarantine?
  • What are your unique circumstances, and how has Yoga and/or meditation helped you face them?
  • How has quarantine affected your mental health?
  • Is anxiety high? What meditation or Yoga practice helped?
  • Are you a front line worker? How does that work with Yoga in lockdown?
  • Have you done anything unique to practice in the home?
  • Have you got the kids involved in yoga practice or meditation? How?
  • Are you loving lounging in soft baggy yoga pants all day, working from home?
  • What is inspiring you right now? (either to practice, or just some positivity in general)
  • Do you have a loving message you’d like to share with the Yoga community?
  • Are you turning to spirituality right now? How?
  • What good has come out of isolation? Are you closer now with your family?


“I started 10 minute my daily meditation because I was feeling really stressed and depressed. Now when I sit down at my laptop to work I feel light and free. I recommend you all give it a try!”

“Letting the kids join in with my meditation was amazing, I can see the change in them already! I did it by…”

“Sending love to all my Yogi friends – keep your spirits up and your breath slow! <3”

“I’m a Yoga teacher/therapist and I was worried that when I cancelled my classes I would lose my students. But now we’ve got a thriving online group and we talk Yoga more than ever! We all engage and offer love and support to each other!”

“I’m just loving getting to wear Yoga pants all day, every day! Chin up everyone, the Yoga pants are here for you!”

How To Submit:

By Email:

Send your submissions to: sophie@yogamasti.com

In the subject line write ‘My Lockdown Story

Simply write your message and attach any images you’d like to contribute to the email. Remember, this can be as long or as short as you like! Please note that we might have to clean up/edit your words a little to get it ready for posting. But don’t worry! All changes will be minor grammar/formatting changes, and wont change your message.


Let us know in the comments below!


Comment on our Facebook or Instagram posts relating to the project!

T & Cs

By submitting you’re agreeing to us using your words and images on our site and social media. We’d never use your info for anything dodgy, don’t worry! If we get a very large number of submissions, we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to use everything, but we’ll certainly try!

Thanks everyone! We hope this projects produces some inspiration for you all. Get in touch, don’t be shy!