January is ending! Did you meet those new year health goals?

in Apr 12, 2024

We did a previous little blog about making your new years health resolutions easier and reaching those health goals – so did you manage it? I resolved to try a ketogenic way of eating this year – 29 days down and I haven’t fallen off the wagon! I’m feeling a lot healthier and more energetic after the holiday indulgences! (plus I lost 14lbs!) As far as cycling to and from work – almost! I bought a bike and have got out and about… but it turns out you can forget how to ride a bike (well, you can if you’re me!) so my initial wobbliness set me back. But I’m on track and pretty pleased with my progress.

So what if you fell off the bandwagon? Or your health goals were a little more optimistic than realistic?

There’s nothing wrong with re-framing your health goals once you’ve given them a try – everything is different in practice than in your head!

Don’t use little bumps in the road as an excuse to quit!

You can make it towards a healthier you – what matters isn’t that you do everything flawlessly, it’s that you keep striving no matter how many mistakes you make. I completely overhauled my eating habits in 4 weeks – and I made plenty of mistakes! But even if I’d made twice as many, it wouldn’t matter because I followed it through, and the satisfaction of doing so is an ENORMOUS motivation factor for moving onwards and upwards! 

You can do it! Tell us all about it, too! We love helping customers with their healthy lifestyle & yoga goals.. so just ask!