What Led Me To Designing Yoga Clothes – Part 5?

in Apr 17, 2024
Hi guys, I know I have been missing for a few days. Hope you didn’t miss me too much. Had to go to london to design a new advert for yoga journal. Yes! we are going to be seen in the most popular yoga magazine in the world. quite excited….
Well coming back to my story (hope you are still listening) Here I was standing alone at crossroads, I had to make a living for myself and the need to prove strong to myself or call it madness, I joined the police force! Served the Met for two years, from ghungroos to handcuffs which I could never get it right! I resigned.

A sudden bolt came and we as a family was taken unawares. My father was diagnosed with grade 4 Cancer. I flew back instantly and it was at my parent’s house where I met a learned naturopath and a yogi who came to me one day and asked me to join him in a Shuddhi dhyan (Dynamic Meditation) which his Guru was conducting. I was excited at the concept and went along with him .I met my Sad guru there who took me out of my dark deeper self and showed me light. His Veda philosophies, his eightfold path of yoga, his energy and love towards all, this simple man called Ashok Raj who recently had a new birth was a Godsend.

I spent my best learning years with him, learning aboyt myself, about life, about real yoga and much more.Sadly he left his body three years ago and life has never been the same since…