Yoga Practice At Home And Focusing On Your Inner Self During Quarantine

in Apr 12, 2024

Yoga classes are out – but there’s never been a better time to practice Yoga! Other than the heroes in front line fields, the majority of us are at home with our loved ones. The whole world is bursting into life with the advent of spring – but we can’t go out and see it!

We know what it’s like. We’re at home too! You spend a lot of time thinking about food and not knowing what time of day it is. Time drags on at such a slow pace until all of a sudden – where did that day go? All of us are collectively losing our perception of time while planning weirdly elaborate lunches. Our social media messages ping constantly, but no one knows what day of the week it is!

Isolation is tough for the mind and body. We all need Yoga right now. We need clarity of mind, exercise and (sorry) a little more discipline in our schedules!

Tip 1. Make time, keep time!


Set a window for your Yoga practice at a specific time, and enforce it! No wandering kids, pets, or significant others! Just because you’re all home together, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get me-time. Explain clearly to them that you ALL need this time to be alone, and it’s important that you all support each others individual well being. Give them their own me-time slots too and help them keep them.

How This Helps:

  • Schedules stop you staying in what-time-is-it limbo
  • Isolation is important in isolation! If you’re shut in with others, you need time alone to keep your mind fresh.
  • You’ll be more likely to stick to it. Too much time on your hands can often mean too much time to do nothing!

Tip 2. Focus On Improvements, Not Finding Time


When you have a hectic life bouncing from place to place, you have to find time for Yoga. Now you have that time! You have so many less barriers when you’re focusing on Yoga practice at home.  Now is the time to look at improvements. Get out those Yoga blocks and yoga belts and start trying new poses. Identify areas you need to improve, write them down (always write your goals down!!). Focus on one area per day and cycle.

How This Helps:

  • If you’re already enforcing your Yoga time slot, improvements in all areas should come in no time!
  • Striving and achieving gives us a sense of accomplishment without access to work and school
  • Self improvement gives you something positive to take away from a dark and difficult time
  • Feeling your body change and your boundaries expand is an instant mood boost!

Tip 3. Make Your Outside Space Work For Your Yoga Practice


Everyone is getting in the garden right now. The weather is beautiful and spring is swinging in. Clear your garden and get it ready for Yoga. Our enjoyment of the outdoors has been restricted to only our own outdoor spaces – so let’s make the most of them. (Check out our blogs on outdoor Yoga here and here) The amount of space you need for a successful practice is actually pretty small, so even a balcony will do! Take out props, incense and music to create a proper atmosphere.

How this Helps:

  • Practicing outside is grounding and uplifting and gives you a connection to nature
  • Few of us are getting enough fresh air to stay happy and healthy
  • You’ll likely need to clear up your garden a bit right now – so building your yoga haven gets you moving and your fingers green!

Tip 4. Make The Most Of Your Yoga Resources


All this extra time is time we can use to learn. Download those e-books, read those blogs, and fill your head with Yoga knowledge! I’m sure many of you, like me, have a to-do list of Yoga things they’d learn about if they only had the time… Well now you do! I’ll definitely be addressing my (shamefully large) ‘to-read’ stack of books. The internet is a limitless source of information and now is the time to take advantage. Where do you want to take your Yoga practice? What do you find most inspiring about Yoga? Pick a topic and sail!

How This Helps:

  • Our practice is nothing without our teachers and resources. Information is improvement. Information is inspiration. Information is motivation!
  • The Yoga world is vast. You’ll discover things you never thought you’d know and stories you’d never imagine
  • Discovering all the ways Yoga has improved lives and communities in so many different ways will uplift your spirits and inspire you to practice.

Use these tips and we guarantee you a happier, healthier few weeks. Look forward to more resources from us – we are not going anywhere and are here to support you and your practice.

Love & light to you and your families,