Yogamasti 10 Year Anniversary Announcement!

in Apr 12, 2024

Yogamasti 10 Year Anniversary Celebrations On The Way!

yogamasti 10 year anniversary

Hello everyone! For the whole of March we will be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Yogamasti! We’ll be taking you through our journey of how we went from £2000 and a shipping container… to two shops, 4 employees and a yoga villa! Of course the journey hasn’t been easy (no venture ever is, in business or in life!) but this 10 year milestone is a wonderful time to reflect on all we’ve accomplished. A whole decade and thousands of customers later, this labor of love is something we are immensely proud of.

So What’s Coming Up?

We’ve been digging up old photos, reminiscing and sorting through old designs. From our first ever yoga shows to our most recent acquisition of the villa – it’s all there in the digital footprints! Luckily we don’t have enough history to produce any awful haircuts of the 1990s. What we do have is plenty of snaps from when Yogamasti was about as small as a fashion label can possibly be!

We have so many pictures of the wonderful people that have let us photograph them over the years at yoga shows and in the shop. Which brings us to the next new thing – the Yogamasti customer showcase! We’ll be creating a gallery of all you lovely customers! We’ll also be inviting people to submit their own photographs & videos. This gallery will not only show off you beautiful people – it’ll also help people see our clothing on a whole range of body types.

We’re also going to be doing a special giveaway plus our celebration discounts and offers. So keep up with us on Facebook! The Yogamasti 10 year party is on it’s way to you!