Berlin Yoga Conference Here We Come! 24-26 May 2019!

in Apr 12, 2024

It’s official – we LOVE Berlin and are really excited for the Berlin Yoga Conference next weekend! So what happens at a yoga conference? Loads! It’s not like a business or work conference, where press-ganged people sit in boring lectures and drink too much coffee. You go to a conference like this to learn and to meet like-minded individuals. You can pick up yoga gear, lessons, and advice straight from the experts!

No middle men, no internet searching, just down-to-earth knowledge from masters. At events like this you can get unique yoga products and services straight from the source. This is why we like doing yoga events so much – we can talk to customers face to face and ask them what they need. While the internet is a wonderful place for gaining information on our community, it never beats a good old fashioned conversation with a visitor! Bringing like-minded people together to talk yoga beats all the instagramming and online searches, hands down. You can never get the whole picture just browsing pictures! Trust us.

What excited us about the BYC?

What really excited us about the BYC is how close their ethos is to our own. To quote them:

“We create an environment where ancient wisdom is honored, but we approach yoga from a modern perspective.”

This outlook is so Yogamasti! Everything about our label centers on this idea. Modern life and traditional principal do not have to be mutually exclusive!

We can’t wait to meet our customers in such a beautiful city. Pictures of our Berlin Yoga Conference adventures to follow!