How Meditation Will Help You In Isolation

in Apr 12, 2024

Here’s how meditation will help you clear that Corona cloud hanging over your head and release some anxiety. We’ll also add some resources at the bottom of the post so you can start right now! So much change and confusion lately…  it’s time for some peace of mind!

All this staying at home has (at least for me) created a lot of mental fog. Usually, experiencing unexpected events and people clears out mental dust and debris. It forces us to stay on our game and be our best self. We’re not getting that right now, and we’re all feeling it. Are you feeling sluggish? Losing time? When every day is only as varied as the home can make it, our brains are getting bored! We’re like computers clogged with folder upon folder of duplicate files, struggling to ‘load up’. Here’s how guided sessions or a simple 30 minute meditation will help you clean up your consciousness.

Guided Meditation Takes You Elsewhere


Guided meditations can give you peace in a glittering oasis, mountain or river. Many of us are missing our connection to nature right now, and finding our imaginations unchallenged. People use guided meditation in all sorts of creative ways. They access past selves, explore their connection with the divine or create a ‘mind map’ to improve memory. Meditation is a safe way to explore ourselves and reality. Get searching for creative guided meditations that you’ll find fun and fascinating. Learn something about your inner self that you never knew!

Your Meditation Will Help You Face Anxiety Over Health & The Future


The mental health benefits of meditation have been proven time and again. We all know about how successful it is at combating anxiety and depression. But right now we face a global pandemic and circumstances we’ve never experienced. At least in the UK; we have not faced a pandemic situation since Spanish Flu in the early 20th century. Many of us are experiencing a very different sort of anxiety than we are used to, especially if we have pre-existing health concerns. Regular meditation will help you face this uncertainty with a calm and open mind. Clarity and objectivity are the counterweight to anxiety, and help you cope with facing an uncertain future.

There’s Tonnes of Meditation Resources Out There


So much meditation guidance just waiting to be found! Get to Youtube and start searching for a guided meditation that works for you. There are also some excellent meditation apps out there at the moment. If you’re suffering from health anxiety or stress at the health of a loved one, Meditation Oasis has an app specifically for those affected by medical stress. The app is designed for those with illnesses/hospital stays and their loved ones, but can also be useful for those with medical anxiety. It’s free till the end of the outbreak, so if you’ve been affected by Covid-19, head to the App Store or Play Store and download.

We urge all of you to get meditating right now!

Yogamasti is uniquely placed in that our bread-and-butter (Yoga and Meditation) are the best options for all of us right now. We need that peace of mind, and so do you! We want to encourage as many of you to get meditating as possible. You will feel the benefit after one session – we guarantee!