Is Yoga Alone Sufficient As a Physical Exercise?

in Apr 16, 2024

Yoga…we always talk about how beneficial it is for both our body and mind. But there is one question that we have seen crops up very often. That is…Is Yoga all the physical exercise you need to keep you fit and sculpt that body??So yogis what do you think…. I know I know we are entering a risky territory…but no one said debating is injurious to health!! We assure, not taking any sides…and there is no correct answer to it…but lets have a look. Is Yoga enough??

There exist various points of view. It has been seen that many individuals who practice yoga supplement their practice with some cardio workouts such as biking, jogging, swimming or walking. And there do exist various studies which prove that for an all-rounded fitness regime people should supplement their Yoga routines with regular weight training, swimming or cycling. On one hand where yoga helps improve balance and flexibility, increase strength, and energy levels and help cure or avoid many diseases other forms of exercise can help build stamina and promote toning.

However, some people do argue that Yoga is all you need as it is a complete workout which not only focuses on gentle stretches but also promotes muscle toning, endurance and flexibility. Research has proved that some forms of Yoga such as Vinyasa flow which includes types such as Ashtanga or power yoga help burn average number of calories  similar to that burned while walking or dancing aerobically.

Everyone’s purpose of working out, frequency and forms differs depending on what they want to achieve from their exercise routine. So in the end what matters the most is what do YOU as an individual want to achieve from your practice…

If you want to just focus on general well being, you can focus on asanas that help you achieve that. However if getting that perfectly sculpted body then you definitely need to sweat it out more…accordingly increase the frequency of your Yoga practice, increase the time of each session and supplement it with other forms of exercise…

And all we will say in the end is TO EACH HIS or HER OWN…..Always remember that the best form of exercise is only the one you enjoy most and WANT to perform on a regular daily basis!!

And no matter what form of exercise you choose yogamasti clothing is all that you need…

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