January is done with.

in Apr 16, 2024

Well, that’s it !January is done with and aren’t we happy about it. Whether you suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), over spent at Christmas or just feeling the pressure from all this new year, new me nonsense. Even hosting the most depressing Monday of the year January is not a month to look forward to.

January is said to be the month of break ups for couples whilst even singles tend to make less plans to see friends over this blue month. Skint, sleepy and overweight we spend more time in our home during January than any other month seemingly trying to hibernate. Surely, we are only making matters worse. Wrap up warm, go see that friend, treat yourself to that top in the sale, take that yoga class. Did you ?? Most of all remember, its only one month, 31 days before the month of love appears and hopefully all your January blues disappear.

So, heading into the February , the month of the Valentine, we hope you’re feeling good and ready for all the cards to fall through your letter box.
Here at Yogamasti month of love means 20% off for your special ones
Love live laugh and laugh more x