Leamington Peace Festival Pictures! Our Stand & Visitors

in Apr 12, 2024

Helloooo from the Leamington Peace Festival everyone! Here are our Leamington Peace Festival pictures of our stand & our lovely customers! We had a much bigger stand this year and were able to offer much more stuff – lots of hard work setting up but so rewarding. And the sun is out today, too! Shining down on such a picturesque city full of awesome architecture!

As you can see we have all of our Yogamasti clothing – but loads of homeware extras too!

We did loads more jewellery this year – lots of Oms and Tree of Life – our favorites!

Mala prayer beads – sandalwood and different gemstones looking beautiful hung up together – like an Indian bazaar!

Our hand made patchwork pieces – these round meditation bolster cushions are new to the shop & wonderful and vibrant additions!

Playing the singing bowls!


Lovely customer practicing mudra gestures next to our mudra bronze door handles!

That’s it for this batch of leamington peace festival pictures – check out our Instagram and Facebook for more to come!