What Led Me To Designing Yoga Clothes – Part 3?

in Apr 17, 2024
Well…here i am again. Neck is not so bad this afternoon, my morning yoga practice helped:)
Did i speak about munich yoga expo at all? Yogamasti was there exhibiting last weekend and was it busy!! Our new yoga clothing collection in moisture wicking fabric did wonders .Hoping to go to Stuttgart as well, lets see but first, let me carry on with my story……
Because my neck wasn’t treated or operated on when needed, my skull bone fused with my top vertebras and resulted in limited movement. How can God give you with one hand and take it with another before you have a chance to even feel that is beyond me! This must be what we call Karma! Here was I who could move and move fast and HE decided that I must have a restricted neckJ. Despite the restrictions of my body and doctors advise, I continued with my passion in movement.
In Indian Scriptures they say your body is your temple, hence I always looked after it. I understood detoxing at an early age as growing up in India means living on raw food a lot!! Sprouted grains, fresh juices, lots of water and good vegetarian food were all part of my bringing up. My mother used to sprout grains at home and we used to have soaked almonds with honey when we could afford it. I completely understood the mental detox process only at a much later stage when Meditation became an integral part of my life.
Well with the work load of Yogamasti, i am a bit behind with my mediations but not so much. Trying to live in the moment…
See you tomorrow….By the way, i am looking to add another color to the new yoga clothing collection , any tips or advice please?  Write here or at info@yogamasti.com