Yogamasti Yoga Retreat Pics & Exciting Update

in Apr 12, 2024

Hello from the Yogamasti Yoga Retreat Villa on the Costa Blanca everyone! We’re here with some more pictures of our villa, plus some updates about our plans for it. We’re surrounded by fruiting orange and lemon trees… and builders! We’re hoping to place a Thai-style solarium on the roof, kindof like these ones but on a much smaller scale. Too ambitious?? There’s no such thing… 😉

Obviously all of the interior will be subject to change, as we retreat-ify the rooms, but it already looks pretty good now, right?

The location and gardens are GORGEOUS, with plenty of shady spots. Look one way and see the vast ocean, the other a rocky mountainside.

The garden needs a little sprucing up too, and we have some plans for decking/seating that should be coming into fruition.

Views from the garden down to the pool area..

Behind the house is the mountainside – isn’t it dramatic!

More mountains in the distance past the driveway:

No Spanish garden is complete without a hammock & fruit trees!

You never know, when you visit the Yogamasti Yoga Retreat some time soon you could be drinking fresh juice from our fruit trees! Orange juice? Lemonade? How about both!

Are you excited yet?? We’ve been looking forward to this for years and it’s finally happening! We’re calling on our huge network of yoga teachers to take part (you never know – your teacher might be bringing your class!). We will be shortly releasing a questionnaire to make sure our customers get to give opinions on what they want most from their retreat experience. Sign up to our newsletter here to get updated when we release our first dates for bookings.