YogaWorld Munich Pics & Info

in Apr 12, 2024

Hello everyone! We were at Yogaworld Munich this weekend. If you haven’t heard of it – it’s a fairly large festival as far as Yoga events go and is run in part by Yoga Journal (a very popular Yoga mag). This year there were teachers like Dr. Ronald Steiner, Helga Baumgartner or Dr. Patrick Broome. There was plenty of space and a lot to offer, and we were very busy! We met tonnes of new people (as usual!) and even survived a German January. We Brits think we know what cold is, but people over on the continent know better! Luckily it was nice and toasty at the venue.

The Venue

The venue feels a bit like being in a modern university! Lots of air, light & glass.

Our Stand

Our little Yogaworld Munich stand. We put up rails of all our clothing and people can browse or chat Yoga with us.


Customer Pics!

Best part of the show! Helping customers one to one is so refreshing after usually doing business online! When you guys come to see us personally its a really nice change. We’re also happy to give out Yoga info & advice – so if you see us at your local show, come say hi!


 We promise we’ll do more customer pics in the future – we also have plans for a kind of ‘customer showcase’ gallery, where you guys can submit your own pics of you practicing in Yogamasti. We can then feature you on our site and social media, showing the world your moves!


For more tips, tricks, meditations, news and info, like and follow us on Facebook or catch us on Instagram as @yogamasti or #yogamasti. Our followers get exclusive offers and sneak peaks, and we love talking to customers! See you soon!