Yoga Is For The Lazy – A Myth?

in Apr 17, 2024
Yoga is for lazy people, someone said to me recently at a party. I sat up!
Followed a long interesting chat….Most People who either haven’t ever practiced yoga or don’t know much about it actually think that yoga is a slow boring practice….What a myth! Yoga is far from boring or slow…as all us yogis know…

Yoga is an active sport. Your mind is alert, your body working through breath, every breath that you take you actually listen to it.

Rythm at its best. In fact if you practice correctly yoga can be very musical on the inside and if you are a dancer like me, you can blend yoga with classical dance and that is very powerful and beautiful. Yoga postures held with precision with breath is actually not for the lazy!! Holding your breath for the right amount of time and the actual posture for 9 breaths while building and releasing that muscle is not for someone who doesn’t want to work their body.

Some people sadly don’t understand what meditation is and what it does, i guess its not their calling. Yoga is an excellent tool for meditation and helps you achieve that prime state of alertness when you are one with the oneness of universe…NOW How can that ever be boring?? You are mostly alive and kicking at that time in wonder? Aren’t you?

I love yoga…ah! Did i change their mind by the end of our long chat? Will wait and see…. they did say they will practice it  ..

Long live the Yogi..
