An Easy Mantra For Yoga – Beginners Try This!

in Apr 15, 2024

You don’t have to know Sanskrit or be religious to get started with reciting mantras – just a simple little phrase can begin your path. A mantra for yoga should be something that inspires you to reach the goals you chose when you started practicing. Spiritual mantras are found on a lot of our clothing, and are enormously helpful for yoga and meditation. But a mantra can really be any idea you’d like to incorporate into your general outlook.

 So here’s our suggestion for a basic, four word mantra to start with:

“I Am My Body.”

Why this phrase? It’s simple but still helps us with a major problem – seeing the mind & consciousness as the whole self. Modern life tends to prioritise the mind and not the body, and this leads to a disconnect between the two. Even spiritual practice can lead to not feeling as if you occupy your own space. But this is the only body we have – it’s what allows us to use our mind in the first place! We need to live as one, fused entity. Not just trade off one for the other when neccessary. Everything that makes you, you… IS your body. Heart, lungs, brain and skin. We need to ‘unabstract’ the mind! Your personality is your body. Your love, fear, daydreams and anger are your body as well. So by working on your body, you work on these things too!

How Do I Use This Mantra In Yoga?

On your inhale! This mantra is short and simple enough to accompany you through your whole flow. On your inhale, every time you move to a new asana, recite this mantra. Foolproof, unforgettable support for your practice and head space!