Buddha Boutique Covid-19 Safety Measures

in Apr 12, 2024

Hi everyone! As you know we are re-opening this Thursday the 18th of June at Fargo Creative Village, Coventry. Buddha Boutique Covid-19 safety measures will be in effect, so you will see a change in store. Please take a look at the changes below as these will be in general effect all over Fargo Village, too. All of these measures are for your own safety as well as the staff and other visitors. We want you to feel as secure as possible when shopping with us!

Hand Sanitizer Stations


Hand sanitizer stations are available from Fargo and we implore you to use them whenever you enter a new business! We’ll be regularly sanitizing our interior card machines and tills/desk area. Our door will be permanently open so you don’t have to use the handles.

Government Advised Social Distancing


For now we ask everyone to observe government social distancing guidelines and remain 2 metres away from others at all times. We know there has been talk of this distance being relaxed, but as for now we will be sticking with it. Please try and stay aware of your own movements and the movements of others.

One Way System

You’ll be guided with tape along our one way system around store. A one way system will ensure that no one has to get within the recommended social distancing minimum. Please stick to the system and circle back around to look at things again!

Customer Limit In Store

We’ll be limiting the amount of customers in store at any one time to ensure we can keep to social distancing measures and still serve customers properly. Hopefully this means one family can easily have a visit without being split up, while still keeping social distancing under control.

Staff Visors

We’ll be wearing attractive and fashionable visors ;). This keeps us staff and customers safe and is essential. So perhaps we look like we’re ready for a spot of welding for the next few weeks… it’s worth it to be in our beautiful shop!

So there they are…

Thanks for your patience in such a difficult time! We hope these measures won’t discourage you from visiting, as all the creative businesses at Fargo could really use the support right now. Plus, we know many of you have been climbing the walls to get out and about! Fargo is a beautiful family place to visit.

You can also check out our lockdown wellbeing advice and inspiration here, here and here.

*PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE MEASURES!* Ask in the comments or on Facebook and wee will answer ASAP!