Love your Legs…Love Yogamasti Leggings..

Leggings are the new jeans....and unlike denims they can be much much more than just been a plain boring pair of trousers. If you love wearing your leggings and want to try something different and new...Yogamasti Leggings are for YOU!!! Yogmasti Leggings are designed not looking to make a fashion statement...

OM Yoga Show London

Om yoga show London- yes its another year gone! The show is nearly here and we here at yogamasti are hoping for our production to come in any time now. Exciting but hard times. Are you ready? To practice to shop to party to make new friends and yes!! to...

How to reduce your vata dosha?

  How to reduce your vata dosha in autumn on a daily basis? Vata benefits greatly from slow, grounding Yoga positions that connect with the breath. Vata consists of the elements air and ether which makes vata the principle force of motion in the body and mind. When vata dosha is healthy,...

Look chic in your practice wear…

It sure has been a quiet week from our end here at thought lets start with the week by getting a sneak peek into the Yogamasti's clothing... So what makes Yogamasti different?? We would say that Yogamasti clothes are one of a kind that incorporate the essence of yoga...

European kundalini Yoga festival

The European kundalini Yoga festival held in sunny France just a couple of weeks ago was the highlight of our experience this year to say the least. We at Yogamasti took the plunge and went to france to meet some kundalini yogi's. Little did we know that what we are...

7 Chakras and their meaning…

If you practice yoga and have some awareness of the spiritual tantric beliefs you must have come across the word what are they? Chakras are the energy centres that exist within the etheric body...they are considered vital to our health and negative forces affecting the spinning of these chakras are believed to...

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